Current Weather Info for the Trimble, MO and Smithville Lake area
Information last updated at <#time>.
The current temperature is <#temp>°F. Yesterday at this time it was <#RecentOutsideTemp d=1>°F. The wind is blowing at a <#beaudesc> from the <#wdir> at <#wspeed> mph and gusting to <#wgust> mph. The wind chill is <#wchill>°F. The barometric pressure is <#press> and <#presstrend> at <#presstrendval> in./hr. The dew point is <#dew>°F creating a Relative Humidity of <#hum>%. Rainfall so far today is <#rfall> in. with <#rhour> in. in the last hour and <#r24hour> in. during the last 24 hours.
Click on any of the thumbnail images for more detailed info:
Local 7-day forecast. Click for forecasts from additional sources:
Forecasted rainfall amount for the next 24 hours: