Finally made it to the Steam Whistle brewery. Had some damn good pretzels and beer before taking a tour. I really like this place and highly recommend that you stop by if you’re in downtown Toronto. Even I don’t normally have a beer before noon, but, we got there a little early and what are you going to do? Nice tour of the brewery and a nice sample of their beer after the tour. Had a great conversation with a couple from British Columbia and another couple from Chicago in the tasting room after the tour.


After the brewery we decided to take the Trolley ride around downtown. Not my idea or exactly what I wanted to do for the afternoon but what the heck. Ok, so it’s a double decker bus basically with an open top level. The top level is full so we find some seats downstairs. It could be worse, and it’s about to get a lot worse. It starts to rain so everyone on the top deck crams into the bottom deck and it is a living hell. How come everyone that didn’t take a shower is crammed down here next to us? It’s hot, muggy and wreaks of BO! Let me off at the next stop, I don’t care how much money we just spent and we’ll have to walk back! We didn’t get off at the first stop for some reason but the rain let up a little. Upstairs we go, I don’t care if we get soaked. They passed out cheap panchos which was enough for us to stay up here and out of the hell hole below. The rest of the tour wasn’t that bad and we actually learned a little bit about Toronto.


We had purchased the package deal, one trolley ride and one cattle car boat ride. The boat ride wasn’t that bad considering we were the next to last people on the boat and there were not seats in the open air upper deck. But, there was no one downstairs so we had some decent seats and views. Plus the bar was downstairs and I needed a beer after the trolley ride. Here’s a couple pics of downtown Toronto from the boat.




After the boat ride we had dinner at Amsterdam Brewhouse on the shore. The wait wasn’t too bad and we got seated lakeside upstairs on the deck. Had a good meal and a couple of good beers.

Grabbed a drink on the way back to the hotel and called it an early night.